Click for job titles beginning with:
Sack Repairer
Sack-Department Supervisor
Saddle Maker
Saddle-And-Side Wire Stitcher
Safe-And-Vault Service Mechanic
Safe-Deposit-Box Rental Clerk
Safety Coordinator
Safety Engineer
Safety Engineer, Mines
Safety Inspector
Safety Inspector
Safety Inspector
Safety Inspector, Truck
Safety Manager
Safety Manager
Safety-Clothing-And-Equipment Developer
Safety-Lamp Keeper
Safety-Pin-Assembling-Machine Operator
Sagger Maker
Sagger Preparer
Sail Cutter
Sail-Lay-Out Worker
Sailor, Pleasure Craft
Salad Maker
Sales Agent, Business Services
Sales Agent, Financial-Report Service
Sales Agent, Insurance
Sales Agent, Pest Control Service
Sales Agent, Psychological Tests And Industrial Relations
Sales Agent, Real Estate
Sales Attendant
Sales Attendant, Building Materials
Sales Clerk
Sales Clerk, Food
Sales Correspondent
Sales Engineer, Aeronautical Products
Sales Engineer, Agricultural Equipment
Sales Engineer, Ceramic Products
Sales Engineer, Marine Equipment
Sales Engineer, Mechanical Equipment
Sales Engineer, Mining-And-Oil-Well Equipment And Services
Sales Engineer, Nuclear Equipment
Sales Exhibitor
Sales Representative
Sales Representative, Abrasives
Sales Representative, Advertising
Sales Representative, Aircraft
Sales Representative, Aircraft Equipment And Parts
Sales Representative, Animal-Feed Products
Sales Representative, Apparel Trimmings
Sales Representative, Architectural And Engineering Supplies
Sales Representative, Audiovisual Program Productions
Sales Representative, Automotive-Leasing
Sales Representative, Barber And Beauty Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Boats And Marine Supplies
Sales Representative, Bottles And Bottling Equipment
Sales Representative, Building Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Canvas Products
Sales Representative, Chemicals And Drugs
Sales Representative, Church Furniture And Religious Supplies
Sales Representative, Commercial Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Communication Equipment
Sales Representative, Computers And Edp Systems
Sales Representative, Construction Machinery
Sales Representative, Containers
Sales Representative, Cordage
Sales Representative, Dairy Supplies
Sales Representative, Dancing Instructions
Sales Representative, Data Processing Services
Sales Representative, Dental And Medical Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Door-To-Door
Sales Representative, Education Courses
Sales Representative, Electronics Parts
Sales Representative, Electroplating
Sales Representative, Elevators, Escalators, And Dumbwaiters
Sales Representative, Farm And Garden Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Financial Services
Sales Representative, Food Products
Sales Representative, Footwear
Sales Representative, Foundry And Machine Shop Products
Sales Representative, Franchise
Sales Representative, Fuels
Sales Representative, General Merchandise
Sales Representative, Graphic Art
Sales Representative, Hardware Supplies
Sales Representative, Herbicide Service
Sales Representative, Hobbies And Crafts
Sales Representative, Home Furnishings
Sales Representative, Hotel And Restaurant Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Hotel Services
Sales Representative, Household Appliances
Sales Representative, Industrial Machinery
Sales Representative, Industrial Rubber Goods
Sales Representative, Jewelry
Sales Representative, Leather Goods
Sales Representative, Livestock
Sales Representative, Lubricating Equipment
Sales Representative, Malt Liquors
Sales Representative, Material-Handling Equipment
Sales Representative, Men's And Boys' Apparel
Sales Representative, Metals
Sales Representative, Mortician Supplies
Sales Representative, Motor Vehicles And Supplies
Sales Representative, Musical Instruments And Accessories
Sales Representative, Novelties
Sales Representative, Office Machines
Sales Representative, Oil Field Supplies And Equipment
Sales Representative, Paper And Paper Products
Sales Representative, Petroleum Products
Sales Representative, Plastic Products
Sales Representative, Poultry Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Precision Instruments
Sales Representative, Pressure-Sensitive Tape
Sales Representative, Printing
Sales Representative, Printing Supplies
Sales Representative, Public Utilities
Sales Representative, Publications
Sales Representative, Radio And Television Time
Sales Representative, Radiographic-Inspection Equipment And ServicesSales Representative, Railroad Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Recreation And Sporting Goods
Sales Representative, Safety Apparel And Equipment
Sales Representative, School Equipment And Supplies
Sales Representative, Security Systems
Sales Representative, Shipping Services
Sales Representative, Shoe Leather And Findings
Sales Representative, Signs
Sales Representative, Signs And Displays
Sales Representative, Telephone Services
Sales Representative, Television Cable Service
Sales Representative, Textile Designs
Sales Representative, Textile Machinery
Sales Representative, Textiles
Sales Representative, Tobacco Products And Smoking Supplies
Sales Representative, Toilet Preparations
Sales Representative, Ultrasonic Equipment
Sales Representative, Uniforms
Sales Representative, Upholstery And Furniture Repair
Sales Representative, Vending And Coin Machines
Sales Representative, Veterinarian Supplies
Sales Representative, Videotape
Sales Representative, Water-Softening Equipment
Sales Representative, Water-Treatment Chemicals
Sales Representative, Weather-Forecasting Service
Sales Representative, Weighing And Force-Measurement Instruments
Sales Representative, Welding Equipment
Sales Representative, Wire Rope
Sales Representative, Women's And Girls' Apparel
Sales Representative, Writing And Marking Pens
Sales Supervisor, Malt Liquors
Sales-Engineer, Electrical Products
Sales-Engineer, Electronics Products And Systems
Sales-Promotion Representative
Sales-Service Promoter
Sales-Service Representative, Milking Machines
Salesperson, Art Objects
Salesperson, Automobile Accessories
Salesperson, Automobiles
Salesperson, Books
Salesperson, Burial Needs
Salesperson, China And Silverware
Salesperson, Corsets
Salesperson, Cosmetics And Toiletries
Salesperson, Curtains And Draperies
Salesperson, Electric Motors
Salesperson, Floor Coverings
Salesperson, Florist Supplies
Salesperson, Flowers
Salesperson, Flying Squad
Salesperson, Furniture
Salesperson, Furs
Salesperson, General Hardware
Salesperson, General Merchandise
Salesperson, Horticultural And Nursery Products
Salesperson, Household Appliances
Salesperson, Infants' And Children's Wear
Salesperson, Jewelry
Salesperson, Leather-And-Suede Apparel-And-Accessories
Salesperson, Men's And Boys' Clothing
Salesperson, Men's Furnishings
Salesperson, Millinery
Salesperson, Musical Instruments And Accessories
Salesperson, Orthopedic Shoes
Salesperson, Parts
Salesperson, Pets And Pet Supplies
Salesperson, Phonograph Records And Tape Recordings
Salesperson, Photographic Supplies And Equipment
Salesperson, Pianos And Organs
Salesperson, Sewing Machines
Salesperson, Sheet Music
Salesperson, Shoes
Salesperson, Sporting Goods
Salesperson, Stamps Or Coins
Salesperson, Stereo Equipment
Salesperson, Surgical Appliances
Salesperson, Toy Trains And Accessories
Salesperson, Trailers And Motor Homes
Salesperson, Wigs
Salesperson, Women's Apparel And Accessories
Salesperson, Yard Goods
Salesperson-Demonstrator, Party Plan
Salt Washer
Salvage Engineer
Salvage Inspector
Salvage Inspector
Salvage Repairer II
Salvage Supervisor
Salvage Winder And Inspector
Salvage Worker
Salvage-Machine Operator
Salvager Helper
Salvager I
Salvager II
Sample Checker
Sample Clerk
Sample Clerk
Sample Clerk
Sample Clerk, Handkerchief
Sample Clerk, Paper
Sample Collector
Sample Cutter
Sample Display Preparer
Sample Maker
Sample Maker I
Sample Maker II
Sample Maker, Appliances
Sample Maker, Hand
Sample Maker, Veneer
Sample Sawyer
Sample Selector
Sample Shoe Inspector And Reworker
Sample Stitcher
Sample Tester
Sample Tester-Grinder
Sample Washer
Sample Worker
Sample-Book Maker
Sample-Color Maker
Sample-Room Supervisor
Sample-Taker Operator
Sampler, First
Sampler, Head
Sampler, Wool
Sand Filler
Sand Mixer, Machine
Sand Plant Attendant
Sand Tester
Sand-Cutter Operator
Sand-Mill Grinder
Sand-Slinger Operator
Sandblast Operator
Sandblast-Or-Shotblast-Equipment Tender
Sandblaster, Stone
Sandblaster, Stone Apprentice
Sander, Hand
Sander, Machine
Sander, Portable Machine
Sandfill Operator
Sanding-Machine Buffer
Sanding-Machine Operator
Sanding-Machine Tender
Sandwich Maker
Sandwich-Board Carrier
Sandwich-Machine Operator
Sanitary Engineer
Sanitary Landfill Operator
Sanitary-Landfill Supervisor
Sanitary-Napkin-Machine Tender
Sanitation Inspector
Sapphire-Stylus Grinder
Satellite-Instruction Facilitator
Saturation-Equipment Operator
Saturator Operator
Saturator Tender
Sausage Inspector
Sausage Maker
Sausage Mixer
Sausage-Meat Trimmer
Save-All Operator
Saw Filer
Saw Maker
Saw Operator
Saw Operator
Saw Operator
Saw Operator, Semiconductor Wafers
Saw Setter
Saw-Edge Fuser, Circular
Sawmill Worker
Sawyer I
Sawyer II
Sawyer, Cork Slabs
Sawyer, Optical Glass
Scagliola Mechanic
Scale Assembly Set-Up Worker
Scale Mechanic
Scale Operator
Scale-Reclamation Tender
Scaling Machine Operator
Scallop Cutter, Machine
Scalp-Treatment Operator
Scalper Operator
Scanner Operator
Scarf Gluer
Scarfing Machine Operator
Schedule Maker
Scheduler, Maintenance
School Bus Monitor
School Secretary
School-Plant Consultant
Scientific Glass Blower
Scientific Helper
Scientific Linguist
Scooping-Machine Tender
Scoreboard Operator
Scorer Helper
Scouring-Train Operator
Scout, Professional Sports
Scrap Baller
Scrap Handler
Scrap Separator
Scrap Sorter
Scrap Sorter
Scraper Operator
Scraper, Hand
Scraper-Loader Operator
Scratcher Tender
Screen Cleaner
Screen Handler
Screen Maker
Screen Maker, Photographic Process
Screen Maker, Textile
Screen Operator
Screen Operator
Screen Printer
Screen Printer
Screen Printer Helper
Screen Repairer, Crusher
Screen Tacker
Screen Tender
Screen Tender
Screen Tender, Chips
Screen Writer
Screen-And-Cyclone Repairer
Screen-Machine Operator
Screen-Printing-Equipment Setter
Screen-Printing-Machine Operator
Screen-Printing-Machine-Operator Helper
Screen-Room Operator
Screen-Tender Helper
Screener Operator
Screener-And-Blender Operator
Screw Remover
Screw Supervisor
Screw-Eye Assembler
Screw-Machine Operator, Multiple Spindle
Screw-Machine Operator, Single Spindle
Screw-Machine Operator, Swiss-Type
Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator
Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Multiple Spindle
Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Single Spindle
Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Swiss-Type
Screw-Machine Tender
Screwdown Operator
Screwhead Polisher
Screwmaker, Automatic
Scribing-Machine Operator
Script Reader
Script Supervisor
Scroll Assembler
Scroll-Machine Operator
Scrubber Machine Tender
Scrubbing-Machine Operator
Scuba Diver
Scutcher Tender
Seal Mixer
Seal-Extrusion Operator
Sealer, Dry Cell
Sealer, Semiconductor Packages
Sealing-And-Canceling-Machine Operator
Sealing-Machine Operator
Sealing-Machine Operator
Seam Hammerer
Seam Presser
Seam Steamer
Seam-Rubbing-Machine Operator
Seamless-Hosiery Knitter
Seamless-Tube Roller
Seasoning Mixer
Seasoning Mixer
Seat Joiner, Chainstitch
Second Cook And Baker
Second Cutter
Second Helper
Second Operator, Mill Tender
Second-Floor Operator
Seconds Handler
Secretary Of Police
Secretary Of State
Secretary, Board-Of-Education
Section Leader And Machine Setter
Section Leader And Machine Setter, Polishing
Section Leader, Screen Printing
Section Supervisor
Section-Plotter Operator
Sectional Center Manager, Postal Service
Sectional-Belt-Mold Assembler
Securities Clerk
Securities Clerk
Securities Trader
Security Consultant
Security Officer
Seed Analyst
Seed Core Operator
Seed Cutter
Seed Pelleter
Seed-Cleaner Operator
Seed-Potato Arranger
Seed-Yeast Operator
Seedling Puller
Seedling Sorter
Self-Sealing-Fuel-Tank Builder
Self-Sealing-Fuel-Tank Repairer
Self-Service-Laundry-And-Dry-Cleaning Attendant
Selvage-Machine Operator
Semiconductor Processor
Senior Enlisted Advisor
Senior Reservations Agent
Senior Technician, Controls
Senior-Commissary Agent
Sensitized-Paper Tester
Separator Operator
Separator Operator
Separator Operator
Separator Operator, Shellfish Meats
Separator Tender II
Septic-Tank Installer
Sequencing-Machine Operator
Sequins Stringer
Serging-Machine Operator, Automatic
Service Attendant, Sleeping Car
Service Clerk
Service Manager
Service Manager
Service Mechanic
Service Mechanic, Compressed-Gas Equipment
Service Observer
Service Observer, Chief
Service Representative
Service Representative
Service Representative, Elevators, Escalators, And Dumbwaiters
Service Restorer, Emergency
Service Supervisor I
Service Supervisor II
Service Supervisor III
Service Supervisor, Leased Machinery And Equipment
Service Technician, Computerized-Photofinishing Equipment
Service-Establishment Attendant
Service-Mechanic Helper, Compressed-Gas Equipment
Service-Unit Operator, Oil Well
Services Clerk
Set Decorator
Set Designer
Set Designer
Set-Key Driver
Set-Staff Fitter
Set-Up Mechanic
Set-Up Mechanic, Automatic Line
Set-Up Mechanic, Coil-Winding Machines
Set-Up Mechanic, Crown Assembly Machine
Set-Up Worker
Setter Helper
Setter, Automatic-Spinning Lathe
Setter, Cold-Rolling Machine
Setter, Induction-Heating Equipment
Setter, Juice Packaging Machines
Setter, Molding-And-Coremaking Machines
Settlement Clerk
Sewage-Disposal Worker
Sewer And Inspector
Sewer, Hand
Sewer-Line Photo-Inspector
Sewer-Line Repairer
Sewer-Line Repairer, Tele-Grout
Sewer-Pipe Cleaner
Sewing Machine Operator
Sewing Machine Operator I
Sewing Supervisor
Sewing-Machine Assembler
Sewing-Machine Operator
Sewing-Machine Operator
Sewing-Machine Operator
Sewing-Machine Operator
Sewing-Machine Operator
Sewing-Machine Operator II
Sewing-Machine Operator, Paper Bags
Sewing-Machine Operator, Semiautomatic
Sewing-Machine Operator, Special Equipment
Sewing-Machine Operator, Zipper
Sewing-Machine Repairer
Sewing-Machine Tester
Sewing-Machine-Repairer Helper
Shactor Helper
Shade Matcher
Shade-Cloth Finisher
Shadowgraph-Scale Operator
Shaft Mechanic
Shake Backboard Notcher
Shake Sawyer
Shaker Repairer
Shaker Tender
Shaker Tender
Shaker Washer
Shaker, Wearing Apparel
Shaker-Plate Operator
Shale Planer Operator
Shale Planer Operator Helper
Shank Inspector
Shank Taper
Shank Threader
Shank-Piece Tacker
Shaper And Presser
Shaper Operator
Shaper Set-Up Operator, Tool
Shaper, Baseball Glove
Shaper, Hand
Shaping Machine Tender
Shaping-Machine Operator
Shaving-Machine Operator
Shear Operator I
Shear Operator II
Shear Setter
Shear-Grinder Operator
Shear-Grinder-Operator Helper
Shearer And Trimmer, Wire Screen And Fabric
Shearing-Machine Feeder
Shearing-Machine Operator
Sheep Herder
Sheep Shearer
Sheepskin Pickler
Sheet Turner
Sheet Writer
Sheet-Metal Worker
Sheet-Metal-Pattern Cutter
Sheet-Metal-Worker Apprentice
Sheet-Mill Supervisor
Sheeter Operator
Sheetrock Applicator
Shell Assembler
Shell Molder
Shell-Machine Operator
Shell-Mold-Bonding-Machine Operator
Shell-Shop Supervisor
Shell-Sieve Operator
Sheller I
Sheller II
Shellfish Dredge Operator
Shellfish Grower
Shellfish Shucker
Shellfish-Bed Worker
Shellfish-Processing-Machine Tender
Shelving Supervisor
Sheriff, Deputy
Shield Runner
Shift Superintendent, Caustic Cresylate
Shift Supervisor, Film Processing
Shingle Packer
Shingle Sawyer
Shingle Trimmer
Ship Runner
Shipfitter Apprentice
Shipfitter Helper
Shipping And Receiving Clerk
Shipping Checker
Shipping-And-Receiving Supervisor
Shipping-And-Receiving Weigher
Shipping-Order Clerk
Shipwright Apprentice
Shipwright Helper
Shirring-Machine Operator
Shirring-Machine Operator, Automatic
Shirt Presser
Shirt-Folding-Machine Operator
Shoe Cleaner
Shoe Coverer
Shoe Dyer
Shoe Packer
Shoe Repairer
Shoe Shiner
Shoe Turner
Shoe-Lay-Out Planner
Shoe-Repair Supervisor
Shoe-Repairer Helper
Shoelace-Tipping-Machine Operator
Shoemaker, Custom
Shooter, Seismograph
Shop Estimator
Shop Supervisor
Shop Tailor
Shop Tailor Apprentice
Shopping Investigator
Shore Hand, Dredge Or Barge
Shorthand Reporter
Shot Bagger
Shot Dropper
Shot Polisher And Inspector
Shot-Coat Tender
Shot-Grinder Operator
Shot-Peening Operator
Shot-Tube-Machine Tender
Shotblast-Equipment Operator
Shotgun-Shell-Assembly-Machine Adjuster
Shotgun-Shell-Assembly-Machine Operator
Shotgun-Shell-Loading-Machine Operator
Shotgun-Shell-Reprinting-Unit Operator
Shoulder Joiner, Lockstitch
Show Girl
Show Host/Hostess
Show-Horse Driver
Shredded-Filler Hopper-Feeder
Shredder Operator
Shredder Tender
Shredder Tender, Peat
Shredding-Floor-Equipment Operator
Shrimp-Peeling-Machine Operator
Shrink-Pit Operator
Shrink-Pit Supervisor
Shrinking-Machine Operator
Shuttle Fixer
Shuttle Hand
Shuttle Inspector
Shuttle Spotter
Shuttle-Car Operator
Side Laster, Cement
Side Laster, Staple
Siding Stapler
Sieve Maker
Sieve-Grader Tender
Sight Mounter
Sight-Effects Specialist
Sign Erector I
Sign Erector II
Sign Erector-And-Repairer
Sign Writer, Hand
Sign Writer, Machine
Signal Maintainer
Signal Maintainer Helper
Signal Supervisor
Silhouette Artist
Silica-Filter Operator
Silica-Spray Mixer
Silk Finisher
Silk Spreader
Silk-Screen Cutter
Silk-Screen Etcher
Silk-Screen Printer, Machine
Silk-Screen Repairer
Silk-Screen-Frame Assembler
Silo Operator
Silo Tender
Silver Spray Worker
Silver Stripper, Machine
Silver Wrapper
Silver-Solution Mixer
Silvering Applicator
Silversmith II
Silverware Assembler
Singe Winder
Singing Messenger
Sink Cutter
Sinker Winder
Sinter Feeder
Sinter-Machine Operator
Sintering-Press Operator
Siphon Operator
Size Maker
Sizer, Hand
Sizer, Machine
Sizer, Machine
Sizing-Machine Operator
Sizing-Machine Operator
Sizing-Machine Tender
Sizing-Machine Tender
Sizing-Machine Tender
Sizing-Machine-And-Drier Operator
Skate-Shop Attendant
Skein Winder
Skein Winder
Skein-Winding Operator
Skein-Yarn Drier
Skein-Yarn Dyer
Skein-Yarn-Dyer Helper
Skelp Processor
Sketch Maker I
Sketch Maker II
Sketch Maker, Photoengraving
Ski Base Trimmer
Ski Maker, Wood
Ski Molder
Ski Patroller
Ski Repairer, Production
Ski Topper
Ski-Binding Fitter-And-Repairer
Ski-Top Trimmer
Ski-Tow Operator
Skiff Operator
Skimmer, Reverberatory
Skin Former
Skin Grader
Skin Lifter, Bacon
Skin-Lap Bonder
Skin-Peeling-Machine Operator
Skinning-Machine Feeder
Skip Operator
Skip Tracer
Skirt Panel Assembler
Skiver, Blockers
Skiver, Machine
Skiving-Machine Operator
Skull Grinder
Slab Grinder
Slab-Conditioner Supervisor
Slab-Depiler Operator
Slasher Operator
Slasher Tender
Slasher-Tender Helper
Slat Twister
Slat-Basket Maker Helper, Machine
Slat-Basket Maker, Machine
Slate Mixer
Slaughterer, Religious Ritual
Sleeve Maker, Lockstitch
Sleeve Setter, Lockstitch
Sleeve Setter, Overlock
Slice-Plug-Cutter Operator
Slice-Plug-Cutter-Operator Helper
Slicing-Machine Operator
Slicing-Machine Operator
Slicing-Machine Operator
Slicing-Machine Tender
Slicing-Machine Tender
Slide-Fastener Repairer
Slide-Fastener-Chain Assembler
Slide-Machine Tender
Slider Assembler
Sliding-Joint Maker
Slime-Plant Operator I
Slime-Plant Operator II
Slime-Plant-Operator Helper
Slinger, Sequins
Slip Laster
Slip-Cover Sewer
Slip-Seat Coverer
Slipcover Cutter
Slitter Service And Setter
Slitter-Creaser-Slotter Helper
Slitter-Creaser-Slotter Operator
Slitter-Scorer-Cut-Off Operator
Slitting-Machine Operator I
Slitting-Machine Operator II
Slitting-Machine-Operator Helper I
Sliver-Lap-Machine Tender
Slot Router
Slot-Tag Inserter
Slotter Operator
Slotter-Operator Helper
Slubber Tender
Slug-Press Operator
Slunk-Skin Curer
Slurry Mixer
Slurry-Control Tender
Small-Engine Mechanic
Smash Hand
Smoke And Flame Specialist
Smoke Jumper
Smoke Jumper Supervisor
Smoke Tester
Smoke-Room Operator
Smoked Meat Preparer
Smoking-Pipe Driller And Threader
Smoking-Pipe Liner
Smoking-Pipe Maker
Smoking-Pipe Repairer
Smoking-Tobacco-Cutter Operator
Snag Grinder
Snow Shoveler
Snow-Removing Supervisor
Snuff Grinder And Screener
Snuff-Box Finisher
Snuff-Container Inspector
Snuff-Packing-Machine Operator
Soaker, Hides
Soap Chipper
Soap Grinder
Soap Inspector
Soap Maker
Soap-Drier Operator
Soaping-Department Supervisor
Social Group Worker
Social Secretary
Social Worker, Delinquency Prevention
Social Worker, Medical
Social Worker, Psychiatric
Social Worker, School
Social-Services Aide
Sock Boarder
Socket Puller
Soda Dialyzer
Soda-Column Operator
Soda-Room Operator
Soda-Room Operator
Soft Crab Shedder
Soft-Sugar Operator, Head
Soft-Tile Setter
Softball Core Molder
Software Engineer
Soil Conservationist
Soil Scientist
Soil-Conservation Technician
Solar-Energy-System Installer
Solar-Energy-System-Installer Helper
Solar-Energy-Systems Designer
Solar-Fabrication Technician
Solder Deposit Operator
Solder-Leveler, Printed Circuit Boards
Solderer, Barrel Ribs
Solderer, Production Line
Solderer, Torch I
Solderer, Ultrasonic, Hand
Sole Leveler, Machine
Sole Scraper
Sole Sewer, Hand
Sole-Conforming-Machine Operator
Solutions Operator
Song Plugger
Sorter I
Sorter II
Sorter Operator
Sorter, Agricultural Produce
Sorter, Machine
Sorter, Upholstery Parts
Sorting Supervisor
Sorting-Grapple Operator
Sorting-Machine Operator
Sorting-Machine Operator
Sound Controller
Sound Cutter
Sound Mixer
Sound Ranging Crewmember
Sound Technician
Sound-Effects Technician
Sous Chef
Sous Chef
Souvenir And Novelty Maker
Space Scheduler
Space-And-Storage Clerk
Spaghetti-Machine Operator
Spar-Machine Operator
Spar-Machine-Operator Helper
Spark Tester
Spark Tester
Spark-Plug Assembler
Special Agent
Special Agent
Special Agent
Special Agent, Customs
Special Agent, Group Insurance
Special Agent-In-Charge
Special Effects Specialist
Special Procedures Technologist, Angiogram
Special Procedures Technologist, Cardiac Catheterization
Special Procedures Technologist, Ct Scan
Special Procedures Technologist, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Special Tester
Special-Certificate Dictator
Specialist-In-Charge, Extension Service
Specialties Operator
Specification Writer
Speech Pathologist
Speed Operator
Speed-Belt-Sander Tender
Speeder Tender
Spice Cleaner
Spice Fumigator
Spice Miller
Spice Mixer
Spice Mixer
Spider Assembler
Spike-Machine Feeder
Spike-Machine Heater
Spike-Machine Operator
Spikemaking Supervisor
Spin-Table Operator
Spindle Carver
Spindle Plumber
Spindle Repairer
Spinner, Frame
Spinner, Hand
Spinner, Hydraulic
Spinner, Mule
Spinning-Bath Patroller
Spinning-Lathe Operator, Automatic
Spinning-Machine Tender
Spiral Binder
Spiral Runner
Spiral Spring Winder
Spiral Weaver
Spiral-Machine Operator
Spiral-Tube Winder
Spiral-Tube-Winder Helper
Splash-Line Operator
Splicer Operator
Splicing-Machine Operator
Splicing-Machine Operator, Automatic
Splitter Operator
Splitter Tender
Splitter, Hand
Splitter, Machine
Splitting-Machine Feeder
Splitting-Machine Operator
Splitting-Machine Operator
Splitting-Machine Tender
Splitting-Machine-Operator Helper
Spoilage Worker
Sponge Buffer
Sponge Clipper
Sponge Hooker
Sponge-Press Operator
Spool Maker
Spool Winder
Spooler Operator, Automatic
Spooler, Sequins
Spooling-Machine Operator
Spooling-Machine Operator
Sport-Shoe-Spike Assembler
Sports-Equipment Repairer
Spot Cleaner
Spot Picker, Molded Goods
Spotter I
Spotter II
Spotter, Photographic
Spout Tender I
Spout Tender II
Spout Worker
Spray-Drier Operator
Spray-Gun Repairer
Spray-Gun-Repairer Helper
Spray-Machine Loader
Spray-Machine Operator
Spray-Machine Operator
Spray-Machine Tender
Spray-Painting-Machine Operator
Spray-Unit Feeder
Sprayer Operator
Sprayer, Hand
Sprayer, Hand
Sprayer, Leather
Sprayer, Machine
Spreader I
Spreader Operator, Automatic
Spreader, Machine
Spreading-Machine Operator
Spring Assembler
Spring Assembler
Spring Clipper
Spring Coiler
Spring Coiling Machine Setter
Spring Coverer
Spring Fitter
Spring Former, Hand
Spring Former, Machine
Spring Inspector I
Spring Inspector II
Spring Layer
Spring Maker
Spring Repairer, Hand
Spring Salvage Worker
Spring Tester I
Spring Tester II
Spring-Manufacturing Set-Up Technician
Spring-Repairer Helper, Hand
Sprinkler-Irrigation-Equipment Mechanic
Spun-Paste-Machine Operator
Squaring-Machine Operator
Squeak, Rattle, And Leak Repairer
Squeegee Tender
Squeezer Operator
Stab Setter And Driller
Stable Attendant
Stacker Tender
Stacker, Machine
Stacker-And-Sorter Operator
Stacking-Machine Operator I
Stacking-Machine Operator II
Staff Toxicologist
Stage Technician
Stain Applicator
Stained Glass Artist
Staining-Machine Operator
Staker, Machine
Stamp Analyst
Stamp Classifier
Stamp Mounter
Stamp-Pad Finisher
Stamp-Pad Maker
Stamper I
Stamper II
Stamper, Machine
Stamping-Machine Operator
Stamping-Machine Operator
Stamping-Mill Tender
Stamping-Press Operator
Standards Engineer
Standpipe Tender
Staple Cutter
Staple-Processing-Machine Operator
Stapler, Hand
Stapler, Machine
Stapling-Machine Operator
Starch-Treating Assistant
State-Highway Police Officer
Statement Clerk
Static Balancer
Station Agent I
Station Engineer, Chief
Station Engineer, Main Line
Station Installer-And-Repairer
Station Manager
Stationary Engineer
Stationary-Engineer Apprentice
Stationary-Engineer Supervisor
Stations-Relations-Contact Representative
Statistical Clerk
Statistical Clerk, Advertising
Statistical-Machine Servicer
Statistician, Applied
Statistician, Mathematical
Stave Jointer
Stave-Bolt Equalizer
Stave-Log-Cut-Off Saw Operator
Stave-Log-Ripsaw Operator
Stave-Machine Tender
Stave-Planer Tender
Stave-Saw Operator
Steak Sauce Maker
Steak Tenderizer, Machine
Steam Cleaner
Steam Service Inspector
Steam-Box Operator
Steam-Cleaning-Machine Operator
Steam-Conditioner Operator
Steam-Distribution Supervisor
Steam-Drier Tender
Steam-Oven Operator
Steam-Press Tender
Steam-Press Tender I
Steam-Press Tender II
Steam-Tank Operator
Steam-Tunnel Feeder
Steamer Tender
Steaming-Cabinet Tender
Steel Pourer
Steel-Barrel Reamer
Steel-Box-Toe Inserter
Steel-Die Printer
Steel-Pan-Form-Placing Supervisor
Steel-Plate Caulker
Steel-Post Installer
Steel-Post-Installer Supervisor
Steel-Pourer Helper
Steel-Shot-Header Operator
Steel-Tie Adjuster, Automatic
Steel-Wool-Machine Operator
Steep Tender
Steeping-Press Tender
Steeple Jack
Stem Mounter
Stem Sizer
Stem-Dryer Maintainer
Stem-Processing-Machine Operator
Stem-Roller-Or-Crusher Operator
Stemhole Borer
Stemmer, Hand
Stemmer, Machine
Stencil Cutter
Stencil Cutter
Stencil Inspector
Stencil Maker
Stencil-Machine Operator
Stenographer, Print Shop
Stenotype Operator
Step-And-Repeat Reduction Camera Operator
Stereo-Plotter Operator
Stereotyper Apprentice
Sterile-Products Processor
Sterilizer Operator
Stevedore I
Stevedore II
Steward, Racetrack
Steward/Stewardess, Banquet
Steward/Stewardess, Bath
Steward/Stewardess, Chief, Cargo Vessel
Steward/Stewardess, Chief, Passenger Ship
Steward/Stewardess, Railroad Dining Car
Steward/Stewardess, Second
Steward/Stewardess, Third
Steward/Stewardess, Wine
Sticker, Animal
Still Operator
Still Operator
Still Operator I
Still Operator II
Still Operator, Batch Or Continuous
Still Tender
Still-Operator Helper
Still-Pump Operator
Stitch-Bonding-Machine Tender
Stitch-Bonding-Machine-Tender Helper
Stitcher Operator
Stitcher, Hand
Stitcher, Special Machine
Stitcher, Standard Machine
Stitcher, Tape-Controlled Machine
Stitching-Machine Operator
Stitching-Machine Operator
Stock Checker, Apparel
Stock Checkerer I
Stock Checkerer II
Stock Clerk
Stock Clerk
Stock Control Clerk
Stock Cutter
Stock Fitter
Stock Grader
Stock Maker, Custom
Stock Patcher
Stock Preparer
Stock Shaper
Stock Sheets Cleaner-Inspector
Stock Supervisor
Stock-Control Supervisor
Stock-Parts Fabricator
Stock-Parts Inspector
Stock-Patch Sawyer
Stocking Inspector
Stocking-And-Box-Shop Supervisor
Stoker Erector-And-Servicer
Stone Carver
Stone Cleaner
Stone Driller
Stone Grader
Stone Grader
Stone Layout Marker
Stone Polisher, Hand
Stone Polisher, Machine
Stone Polisher, Machine Apprentice
Stone Repairer
Stone Rougher
Stone Setter
Stone Setter
Stone Splitter
Stone Trimmer
Stone-Driller Helper
Stone-Lathe Operator
Stone-Mill Operator
Stone-Setter Apprentice
Stone-Spreader Operator
Stonecutter Apprentice, Hand
Stonecutter, Hand
Stonecutter, Machine
Stonemason Apprentice
Stonemason Supervisor
Stoner And Polisher, Bevel Face
Stoner, Hand
Stop Attacher
Stopboard Assembler
Stopper Maker
Stopper-Maker Helper
Stopping Builder
Storage Battery Inspector And Tester
Storage-Facility Rental Clerk
Story Editor
Stove Refinisher
Stove Tender
Stove-Bottom Worker
Stove-Carriage Operator
Straddle-Truck Operator
Straight-Line Edger
Straight-Line-Press Setter
Straight-Pin-Making-Machine Operator
Straightener, Hand
Straightening-Press Operator II
Straightening-Roll Operator
Strainer Tender
Strand-And-Binder Controller
Strand-Forming-Machine Operator
Stranding-Machine Operator
Stranding-Machine-Operator Helper
Strap Buckler, Machine
Strap-Cutting-Machine Operator
Strap-Folding-Machine Operator
Strap-Machine Operator
Strapping-Machine Operator
Straw Hat Presser, Machine
Straw-Hat Brusher
Straw-Hat-Plunger Operator
Straw-Hat-Washer Operator
Street Cleaner
Street-Light Cleaner
Street-Light Repairer
Street-Light Servicer
Street-Light-Repairer Helper
Street-Light-Servicer Helper
Street-Light-Servicer Supervisor
Street-Openings Inspector
Street-Sweeper Operator
Streetcar Operator
Streetcar Repairer
Streetcar-Repairer Helper
Stress Analyst
Stress Analyst
Stress Test Technician
Stretch-Box Tender
Stretch-Machine Operator
Stretcher-Drier Operator
Stretcher-Leveler Operator
Stretcher-Leveler-Operator Helper
Stretching-Machine Operator
Strickler Attendant
Strike-Off-Machine Operator
Strike-Out-Machine Operator
String Laster
String-Top Sealer
String-Winding-Machine Operator
Stringer-Machine Tender
Stringing-Machine Tender
Strip Polisher
Strip Presser
Strip Roller
Strip-Cutting-Machine Operator
Strip-Cutting-Machine Operator
Strip-Metal-Punch-And-Straightener Operator
Strip-Tank Tender
Stripe Matcher
Striper, Hand
Striper, Machine
Striper, Spray Gun
Striping-Machine Operator
Stripper And Taper
Stripper Apprentice
Stripper, Lithographic I
Stripper, Lithographic II
Stripper-Cutter, Machine
Stripper-Etcher, Printed Circuit Boards
Stripping Cutter And Winder
Stripping-Machine Operator
Stripping-Shovel Oiler
Stripping-Shovel Operator
Stroboscope Operator
Stroke-Belt-Sander Operator
Strong-Nitric Operator
Structural Engineer
Structural-Mill Supervisor
Structural-Steel Worker
Structural-Steel-Worker Apprentice
Stucco Mason
Studder, Hairspring
Stuffing-Machine Operator
Stuffing-Machine Operator
Stull Installer
Stunner, Animal
Stunt Performer
Subscription Crew Leader
Substance Abuse Counselor
Substation Inspector
Substation Operator
Substation Operator Apprentice
Substation Operator, Chief
Substation-Operator Helper
Sucker-Machine Operator
Suction-Dredge-Pipeline-Placing Supervisor
Suction-Plate-Carrier Cleaner
Sugar Boiler
Sugar Controller
Sugar Drier
Sugar Grinder
Sugar Presser
Sugar-Chipper-Machine Operator
Sugar-Reprocess Operator, Head
Suggestion Clerk
Sulfate Drier-Machine Operator
Sulky Driver
Sumatra Opener
Sunglass-Clip Attacher
Supercalender Operator
Supercharger-Repair Supervisor
Superintendent Of Generation
Superintendent, Ammunition Storage
Superintendent, Building
Superintendent, Car Construction
Superintendent, Cold Storage
Superintendent, Commissary
Superintendent, Communications
Superintendent, Compressor Stations
Superintendent, Concrete-Mixing Plant
Superintendent, Construction
Superintendent, Distribution I
Superintendent, Distribution II
Superintendent, Division
Superintendent, Drilling And Production
Superintendent, Electric Power
Superintendent, Generating Plant
Superintendent, Grain Elevator
Superintendent, Greens
Superintendent, Horticulture
Superintendent, Industries, Correctional Facility
Superintendent, Labor Utilization
Superintendent, Laundry
Superintendent, Local
Superintendent, Logging
Superintendent, Maintenance
Superintendent, Maintenance
Superintendent, Maintenance
Superintendent, Maintenance Of Equipment
Superintendent, Maintenance Of Way
Superintendent, Marine
Superintendent, Marine Oil Terminal
Superintendent, Measurement
Superintendent, Meters
Superintendent, Oil-Well Services
Superintendent, Pipelines
Superintendent, Plant Protection
Superintendent, Power
Superintendent, Production
Superintendent, Radio Communications
Superintendent, Recreation
Superintendent, Sales
Superintendent, Sanitation
Superintendent, Schools
Superintendent, Seed Mill
Superintendent, Service
Superintendent, Stations
Superintendent, Stevedoring
Superintendent, System Operation
Superintendent, Terminal
Superintendent, Tests
Superintendent, Track
Superintendent, Transmission
Superintendent, Transportation
Superintendent, Water-And-Sewer Systems
Supervising Airplane Pilot
Supervising Film-Or-Videotape Editor
Supervisor I
Supervisor I
Supervisor I
Supervisor I
Supervisor I
Supervisor I
Supervisor I
Supervisor II
Supervisor II
Supervisor II
Supervisor II
Supervisor II
Supervisor II
Supervisor II
Supervisor III
Supervisor III
Supervisor III
Supervisor III
Supervisor IV
Supervisor IV
Supervisor Of Communications
Supervisor Of Sales
Supervisor Of Way
Supervisor V
Supervisor V
Supervisor VI
Supervisor VI
Supervisor, Abattoir
Supervisor, Accounting Clerks
Supervisor, Accounts Receivable
Supervisor, Acoustical Tile Carpenters
Supervisor, Adjustable-Steel-Joist-Setting
Supervisor, Advertising-Dispatch Clerks
Supervisor, Advertising-Material Distributors
Supervisor, Agency Appointments
Supervisor, Air-Conditioning Installer
Supervisor, Aircraft Cleaning
Supervisor, Aircraft Maintenance
Supervisor, Airplane-Flight Attendant
Supervisor, Alteration Workroom
Supervisor, Alum Plant
Supervisor, Aluminum Boat Assembly
Supervisor, Aluminum Fabrication
Supervisor, Animal Cruelty Investigation
Supervisor, Animal Maintenance
Supervisor, Area
Supervisor, Artificial Breast Fabrication
Supervisor, Artificial Breeding Ranch
Supervisor, Artist, Suspect
Supervisor, Asbestos Pipe
Supervisor, Asbestos Removal
Supervisor, Asbestos Textile
Supervisor, Asbestos-Cement Sheet
Supervisor, Asphalt Paving
Supervisor, Assembly
Supervisor, Assembly
Supervisor, Assembly
Supervisor, Assembly
Supervisor, Assembly Department
Supervisor, Assembly I
Supervisor, Assembly Room
Supervisor, Assembly Room
Supervisor, Assembly Stock
Supervisor, Assembly-And-Packing
Supervisor, Audit Clerks
Supervisor, Automatic Machines
Supervisor, Automobile Body Repair
Supervisor, Avionics Shop
Supervisor, Beam Department
Supervisor, Beater Room
Supervisor, Beehive Kiln
Supervisor, Beet End
Supervisor, Belt-And-Link Assembly
Supervisor, Billposting
Supervisor, Bindery
Supervisor, Bit And Shank Department
Supervisor, Blast Furnace
Supervisor, Blast Furnace
Supervisor, Blast-Furnace-Auxiliaries
Supervisor, Bleach
Supervisor, Blood-Donor Recruiters
Supervisor, Blooming Mill
Supervisor, Blueprinting-And-Photocopy
Supervisor, Board Mill
Supervisor, Boat Outfitting
Supervisor, Boatbuilders, Wood
Supervisor, Boiler Repair
Supervisor, Boilermaking
Supervisor, Bonding
Supervisor, Bone Plant
Supervisor, Bottle-House Cleaners
Supervisor, Brake Repair
Supervisor, Brew House
Supervisor, Briar Shop
Supervisor, Bridges And Buildings
Supervisor, Brine
Supervisor, Brineyard
Supervisor, Broommaking
Supervisor, Burling And Joining
Supervisor, Burning, Forming, And Assembly
Supervisor, Byproducts
Supervisor, Cab
Supervisor, Calendering
Supervisor, Canal-Equipment Maintenance
Supervisor, Candle Making
Supervisor, Candy
Supervisor, Cap-And-Hat Production
Supervisor, Car And Yard
Supervisor, Car Installations
Supervisor, Carbon Electrodes
Supervisor, Carbon-Paper-Coating
Supervisor, Carding
Supervisor, Cardroom
Supervisor, Carpenters
Supervisor, Cartography
Supervisor, Carton And Can Supply
Supervisor, Cashiers
Supervisor, Casting-And-Pasting
Supervisor, Cd-Area
Supervisor, Cell Operation
Supervisor, Cell Room
Supervisor, Cell-Efficiency
Supervisor, Cellars
Supervisor, Cemetery Workers
Supervisor, Central Supply
Supervisor, Cereal
Supervisor, Channel Process
Supervisor, Char House
Supervisor, Chemical
Supervisor, Chimney Construction
Supervisor, Chocolate-And-Cocoa Processing
Supervisor, Christmas-Tree Farm
Supervisor, Cigar Making, Hand
Supervisor, Cigar Tobacco Processing
Supervisor, Cigar-Making Machine
Supervisor, Circus
Supervisor, Claims
Supervisor, Classified Advertising
Supervisor, Clay Preparation
Supervisor, Clay Shop
Supervisor, Cleaning
Supervisor, Cloth Winding
Supervisor, Coal Handling
Supervisor, Coating
Supervisor, Coating
Supervisor, Coffee
Supervisor, Coil Winding
Supervisor, Coin-Machine
Supervisor, Coke Handling
Supervisor, Cold Rolling
Supervisor, Color-Paste Mixing
Supervisor, Commissary Production
Supervisor, Communications-And-Signals
Supervisor, Component Assembler
Supervisor, Composing-Room
Supervisor, Compounding-And-Finishing
Supervisor, Compressed Yeast
Supervisor, Computer Operations
Supervisor, Concrete Block Plant
Supervisor, Concrete Pipe Plant
Supervisor, Concrete-Stone Fabricating
Supervisor, Concrete-Stone Finishing
Supervisor, Conditioning Yard
Supervisor, Contact And Service Clerks
Supervisor, Contingents
Supervisor, Continuous-Weld-Pipe Mill
Supervisor, Contract-Sheltered Workshop
Supervisor, Cook House
Supervisor, Cook Room
Supervisor, Cooler Service
Supervisor, Cooperage Shop
Supervisor, Corduroy Cutting
Supervisor, Core Drilling
Supervisor, Coremaker
Supervisor, Corncob Pipe Manufacturing
Supervisor, Correspondence Section
Supervisor, Costuming
Supervisor, Covering And Lining
Supervisor, Credit And Loan Collections
Supervisor, Cured Meats
Supervisor, Cured-Meat Packing
Supervisor, Curing Room
Supervisor, Customer Records Division
Supervisor, Customer Services
Supervisor, Customer-Complaint Service
Supervisor, Cutting And Boning
Supervisor, Cutting And Splicing
Supervisor, Cutting Department
Supervisor, Cutting Department
Supervisor, Cutting-And-Sewing Department
Supervisor, Dairy Farm
Supervisor, Dairy Processing
Supervisor, Decorating
Supervisor, Decorating
Supervisor, Dehydrogenation
Supervisor, Delivery Department
Supervisor, Dental Laboratory
Supervisor, Detasseling Crew
Supervisor, Dials
Supervisor, Diamond Finishing
Supervisor, Die Casting
Supervisor, Dimension Warehouse
Supervisor, Display Fabrication
Supervisor, Diversified Crops
Supervisor, Dock
Supervisor, Dog License Officer
Supervisor, Doping
Supervisor, Drafting And Printed Circuit Design
Supervisor, Drawing
Supervisor, Dried Yeast
Supervisor, Dry Cleaning
Supervisor, Dry Paste
Supervisor, Dry-Cell Assembly
Supervisor, Dry-Starch
Supervisor, Dry-Wall Application
Supervisor, Drying
Supervisor, Drying And Winding
Supervisor, Edging
Supervisor, Education
Supervisor, Egg Processing
Supervisor, Electrical Assemblies
Supervisor, Electrical Assembly
Supervisor, Electrical Repair And Telephone Line Maintenance
Supervisor, Electronic Coils
Supervisor, Electronic Controls Repairer
Supervisor, Electronics Processing
Supervisor, Electronics Production
Supervisor, Electronics Systems Maintenance
Supervisor, Electrotyping And Stereotyping
Supervisor, Endless Track Vehicle
Supervisor, Engine Assembly
Supervisor, Engine-Repair
Supervisor, Engraving
Supervisor, Epoxy Fabrication
Supervisor, Erection Shop
Supervisor, Esters-And-Emulsifiers
Supervisor, Estimator And Drafter
Supervisor, Evaporator
Supervisor, Extermination
Supervisor, Extruding Department
Supervisor, Extrusion
Supervisor, Fabrication
Supervisor, Fabrication And Assembly
Supervisor, Fabrication Department
Supervisor, Facepiece Line
Supervisor, Farm-Equipment Maintenance
Supervisor, Feed House
Supervisor, Feed Mill
Supervisor, Felling-Bucking
Supervisor, Fence Manufacture
Supervisor, Fermenting Cellars
Supervisor, Ferry Terminal
Supervisor, Fertilizer
Supervisor, Fertilizer Processing
Supervisor, Fiber-Locking
Supervisor, Fiberglass Boat Assembly
Supervisor, Field Pipelines
Supervisor, Field-Crop Farming
Supervisor, Files
Supervisor, Filling-And-Packing
Supervisor, Film Processing
Supervisor, Film Processing
Supervisor, Filtration
Supervisor, Final Assembly And Packing
Supervisor, Finishing
Supervisor, Finishing
Supervisor, Finishing
Supervisor, Finishing Department
Supervisor, Finishing Department
Supervisor, Finishing Department
Supervisor, Finishing Room
Supervisor, Finishing Room
Supervisor, Finishing-And-Shipping
Supervisor, Fireworks Assembly
Supervisor, Fish Bait Processing
Supervisor, Fish Hatchery
Supervisor, Fish Processing
Supervisor, Fitting
Supervisor, Flame Cutting
Supervisor, Foam Cutting
Supervisor, Food Checkers And Cashiers
Supervisor, Force Adjustment
Supervisor, Forming Department I
Supervisor, Forming Department II
Supervisor, Frame Sample And Pattern
Supervisor, Framing Mill
Supervisor, Fruit Grading
Supervisor, Fur Dressing
Supervisor, Furnace Process
Supervisor, Furniture Assembly
Supervisor, Furrier Shop
Supervisor, Game Farm
Supervisor, Garage
Supervisor, Garment Manufacturing
Supervisor, Gas Meter Repair
Supervisor, Gate Services
Supervisor, Gear Repair
Supervisor, Gelatin Plant
Supervisor, Glazing Department
Supervisor, Glue Specialty
Supervisor, Glycerin
Supervisor, Grading
Supervisor, Grain And Yeast Plants
Supervisor, Grease Refining
Supervisor, Green End Department
Supervisor, Grinding
Supervisor, Grinding And Spraying
Supervisor, Hairspring Fabrication
Supervisor, Hand Silvering
Supervisor, Hardboard
Supervisor, Harvesting
Supervisor, Hearing-Aid Assembly
Supervisor, Hide House
Supervisor, Historic Sites
Supervisor, Home Restoration Service
Supervisor, Home-Energy Consultant
Supervisor, Horticultural-Specialty Farming
Supervisor, Hospitality House
Supervisor, Hot-Dip Plating
Supervisor, Hot-Dip-Tinning
Supervisor, Hot-Strip Mill
Supervisor, Hot-Wound Spring Production
Supervisor, Housecleaner
Supervisor, Hydrochloric Area
Supervisor, Ice House
Supervisor, Ice Storage, Sale, And Delivery
Supervisor, Identification And Communications
Supervisor, Incinerator Plant
Supervisor, Insect And Disease Inspection
Supervisor, Insecticide
Supervisor, Inspecting
Supervisor, Inspection
Supervisor, Inspection
Supervisor, Inspection
Supervisor, Inspection
Supervisor, Inspection
Supervisor, Inspection
Supervisor, Inspection
Supervisor, Inspection And Testing
Supervisor, Inspection And Testing
Supervisor, Instant Potato Processing
Supervisor, Instrument Assembly
Supervisor, Instrument Maintenance
Supervisor, Instrument Mechanics
Supervisor, Instrument Repair
Supervisor, Insulation
Supervisor, Insulation
Supervisor, Janitorial Services
Supervisor, Jewelry Department
Supervisor, Joiners
Supervisor, Kennel
Supervisor, Keymodule Assembly
Supervisor, Knitting II
Supervisor, Kosher Dietary Service
Supervisor, Labor Gang
Supervisor, Labor Gang
Supervisor, Laboratory
Supervisor, Laboratory Animal Facility
Supervisor, Lace Tearing
Supervisor, Lamp Shades
Supervisor, Landscape
Supervisor, Last-Model Department
Supervisor, Lathing
Supervisor, Laundry
Supervisor, Lead Refinery
Supervisor, Lending Activities
Supervisor, Lime
Supervisor, Line
Supervisor, Line Department
Supervisor, Liquefaction
Supervisor, Liquefaction-And-Regasification
Supervisor, Liquid Yeast
Supervisor, Liquor Stores And Agencies
Supervisor, Litharge
Supervisor, Livestock-Yard
Supervisor, Loading And Unloading
Supervisor, Locomotive
Supervisor, Log Sorting
Supervisor, Logging
Supervisor, Lubrication
Supervisor, Lump Room
Supervisor, Machine Setter
Supervisor, Machining
Supervisor, Mail Carriers
Supervisor, Mails
Supervisor, Mainspring Fabrication
Supervisor, Maintenance
Supervisor, Maintenance
Supervisor, Major Appliance Assembly
Supervisor, Malt House
Supervisor, Malted Milk
Supervisor, Manufactured Buildings
Supervisor, Maple Products
Supervisor, Mapping
Supervisor, Marble
Supervisor, Marina Sales And Service
Supervisor, Marking Room
Supervisor, Matrix
Supervisor, Mattress And Boxsprings
Supervisor, Melt House
Supervisor, Merchant-Mill Rolling And Finishing
Supervisor, Metal Cans
Supervisor, Metal Fabricating
Supervisor, Metal Furniture Assembly
Supervisor, Metal Hanging
Supervisor, Metalizing
Supervisor, Metallurgical-And-Quality-Control-Testing
Supervisor, Meter Repair Shop
Supervisor, Meter Shop
Supervisor, Meter-And-Regulator Shop
Supervisor, Microfilm Duplicating Unit
Supervisor, Microwave
Supervisor, Mill
Supervisor, Mill House
Supervisor, Mine
Supervisor, Mirror Fabrication
Supervisor, Mirror Manufacturing Department
Supervisor, Mixing
Supervisor, Mixing
Supervisor, Mixing Place
Supervisor, Model Making
Supervisor, Mold Cleaning And Storage
Supervisor, Mold Construction
Supervisor, Mold Making
Supervisor, Mold Shop
Supervisor, Mold Shop
Supervisor, Mold Yard
Supervisor, Mold-Making Plastics Sheets
Supervisor, Money-Room
Supervisor, Motion-Picture Equipment
Supervisor, Motor Vehicle Assembly
Supervisor, Motorcycle Repair Shop
Supervisor, Natural-Gas Plant
Supervisor, Natural-Gas-Field Processing
Supervisor, Net Making
Supervisor, Network Control Operators
Supervisor, Nut Processing
Supervisor, Nutritional Yeast
Supervisor, Open-Hearth Stockyard
Supervisor, Operations
Supervisor, Optical Instruments
Supervisor, Order Takers
Supervisor, Ordnance Truck Installation
Supervisor, Ornamental Ironworking
Supervisor, Ovens
Supervisor, Packing
Supervisor, Packing
Supervisor, Packing And Wrapping
Supervisor, Packing Room
Supervisor, Paint
Supervisor, Paint Department
Supervisor, Paint Roller Covers
Supervisor, Painting
Supervisor, Painting Department
Supervisor, Painting, Shipyard
Supervisor, Paper Coating
Supervisor, Paper Machine
Supervisor, Paper Products
Supervisor, Paper Testing
Supervisor, Parachute Manufacturing
Supervisor, Parking Lot
Supervisor, Particle Board
Supervisor, Paste Mixing
Supervisor, Paste Plant
Supervisor, Pattern Marking
Supervisor, Payroll
Supervisor, Personnel Clerks
Supervisor, Phosphatic Fertilizer
Supervisor, Phosphoric Acid
Supervisor, Phosphorus Processing
Supervisor, Photoengraving
Supervisor, Picking
Supervisor, Picking Crew
Supervisor, Pig-Machine
Supervisor, Pigment Making
Supervisor, Pile Driving
Supervisor, Pipe Finishing
Supervisor, Pipe Joints
Supervisor, Pipe Manufacture
Supervisor, Pipeline Maintenance
Supervisor, Pipelines
Supervisor, Pit-And-Auxiliaries
Supervisor, Plastering
Supervisor, Plastic Sheets
Supervisor, Plastics
Supervisor, Plastics Fabrication
Supervisor, Plate Heating, Rolling, And Finishing
Supervisor, Plating And Point Assembly
Supervisor, Pleating
Supervisor, Policy-Change Clerks
Supervisor, Pond
Supervisor, Poultry Farm
Supervisor, Poultry Hatchery
Supervisor, Poultry Processing
Supervisor, Powdered Metal
Supervisor, Powdered Sugar
Supervisor, Power-Reactor
Supervisor, Precast And Prestressed Concrete
Supervisor, Preparation Department
Supervisor, Preparation Plant
Supervisor, Prepress
Supervisor, Press Room
Supervisor, Pressing Department
Supervisor, Print Line
Supervisor, Printed Circuit Board Assembly
Supervisor, Printed Circuit Board Testing
Supervisor, Printing And Stamping
Supervisor, Printing-Shop
Supervisor, Processing
Supervisor, Processing
Supervisor, Product Inspection
Supervisor, Production
Supervisor, Production
Supervisor, Production
Supervisor, Production Clerks
Supervisor, Production Control
Supervisor, Production Department
Supervisor, Prop-Making
Supervisor, Properties
Supervisor, Protective-Signal Operations
Supervisor, Public Message Service
Supervisor, Publications Production
Supervisor, Pulp House
Supervisor, Pulp Plant
Supervisor, Pumping
Supervisor, Pumping Station
Supervisor, Punch-And-Assembly Department
Supervisor, Purification
Supervisor, Putty And Caulking
Supervisor, Quality Control
Supervisor, Quality Control
Supervisor, Quilting
Supervisor, Radio Interference
Supervisor, Rag Room
Supervisor, Railroad Car Repair
Supervisor, Reactor Fueling
Supervisor, Ready-Mixed Food Preparation
Supervisor, Real-Estate Office
Supervisor, Receiving And Processing
Supervisor, Reclamation
Supervisor, Reclamation
Supervisor, Record Press
Supervisor, Refining
Supervisor, Refining
Supervisor, Refractory Products
Supervisor, Reinforced-Steel-Placing
Supervisor, Repulping
Supervisor, Research Dairy Farm
Supervisor, Research Kennel
Supervisor, Reverberatory Furnace
Supervisor, Rice Milling
Supervisor, Ride Assembly
Supervisor, Rides
Supervisor, Rigger
Supervisor, Right-Of-Way Maintenance
Supervisor, Riprap Placing
Supervisor, Rocket Propellant Plant
Supervisor, Roll Shop
Supervisor, Roller Printing
Supervisor, Roller Shop
Supervisor, Roofing Plant
Supervisor, Rose-Grading
Supervisor, Roundhouse
Supervisor, Route Sales-Delivery Drivers
Supervisor, Roving Department
Supervisor, Rubber Stamps And Dies
Supervisor, Rug Cleaning
Supervisor, Safety Deposit
Supervisor, Salvage
Supervisor, Sample
Supervisor, Sample Preparation
Supervisor, Sandblaster
Supervisor, Sanding
Supervisor, Sawing And Assembly
Supervisor, Sawmill
Supervisor, Scenic Arts
Supervisor, Scouring Pads
Supervisor, Scrap Preparation
Supervisor, Screen Making
Supervisor, Screen Printing
Supervisor, Securities Vault
Supervisor, Sewer Maintenance
Supervisor, Sewer System
Supervisor, Sewing Department
Supervisor, Sewing Room
Supervisor, Shearing
Supervisor, Shed Workers
Supervisor, Sheet Manufacturing
Supervisor, Shellfish Farming
Supervisor, Shipfitters
Supervisor, Shipping
Supervisor, Shipping Track
Supervisor, Shop
Supervisor, Shop
Supervisor, Show Operations
Supervisor, Shuttle Fitting
Supervisor, Shuttle Preparation
Supervisor, Shuttle Veneering
Supervisor, Sign Shop
Supervisor, Silk-Screen Cutting And Printing
Supervisor, Silvering Department
Supervisor, Sintering Plant
Supervisor, Ski Production
Supervisor, Slate Splitting
Supervisor, Slitting-And-Shipping
Supervisor, Small Appliance Assembly
Supervisor, Smoke Control
Supervisor, Soakers
Supervisor, Soaking Pits
Supervisor, Soft Sugar
Supervisor, Solder Making
Supervisor, Sound Technician
Supervisor, Special Education
Supervisor, Special Services
Supervisor, Specialty Food Products
Supervisor, Specialty Manufacturing
Supervisor, Specialty Plant
Supervisor, Spinning
Supervisor, Spinning And Winding
Supervisor, Split And Drum Room
Supervisor, Split Leather Department
Supervisor, Spray, Lawn And Tree Service
Supervisor, Spring Production
Supervisor, Spring-UP
Supervisor, Statement Clerks
Supervisor, Stave Cutting
Supervisor, Steel Division
Supervisor, Steffen House
Supervisor, Steno Pool
Supervisor, Stitching Department
Supervisor, Stock Ranch
Supervisor, Structural Rolling-And-Finishing
Supervisor, Structural-Steel Erection
Supervisor, Sugar House
Supervisor, Sugar Refinery
Supervisor, Sulfuric-Acid Plant
Supervisor, Surgical Garment Assembly
Supervisor, Survey Workers
Supervisor, Swimming-Pool Maintenance
Supervisor, Syrup Shed
Supervisor, Tan Room
Supervisor, Tank Cleaning
Supervisor, Tank Cleaning
Supervisor, Tank House
Supervisor, Tank Storage
Supervisor, Taping
Supervisor, Tar Distillation
Supervisor, Tea And Spice
Supervisor, Telecommunicator
Supervisor, Telegraphic-Typewriter Operators
Supervisor, Telephone Clerks
Supervisor, Telephone Information
Supervisor, Tellers
Supervisor, Terminal Operations
Supervisor, Terrazzo
Supervisor, Thermostatic Controls
Supervisor, Threshing Department
Supervisor, Ticket Sales
Supervisor, Tile-And-Mottle
Supervisor, Toilet-And-Laundry Soap
Supervisor, Tower
Supervisor, Toy Assembly
Supervisor, Toy Parts Former
Supervisor, Train Operations
Supervisor, Transcribing Operators
Supervisor, Travel-Information Center
Supervisor, Treating And Pumping
Supervisor, Tree-Fruit-And-Nut Farming
Supervisor, Tree-Trimming
Supervisor, Trust Accounts
Supervisor, Tubing
Supervisor, Tufting
Supervisor, Tumblers
Supervisor, Tumbling And Rolling
Supervisor, Tunnel Heading
Supervisor, Type Photography
Supervisor, Type-Disk Quality Control
Supervisor, Typesetting
Supervisor, Underwriting Clerks
Supervisor, Upholstery Department
Supervisor, Uranium Processing
Supervisor, Vacuum Metalizing
Supervisor, Varnish
Supervisor, Vat House
Supervisor, Vegetable Farming
Supervisor, Vendor Quality
Supervisor, Veneer
Supervisor, Vine-Fruit Farming
Supervisor, Volunteer Services
Supervisor, Wall Mirror Department
Supervisor, Wash House
Supervisor, Water Softener Service
Supervisor, Water Treatment Plant
Supervisor, Waterproofing
Supervisor, Waterworks
Supervisor, Weaving
Supervisor, Webbing
Supervisor, Welding Equipment Repairer
Supervisor, Wet End
Supervisor, Wet Pour
Supervisor, Wet Room
Supervisor, Wheel Shop
Supervisor, Whipped Topping
Supervisor, White Sugar
Supervisor, Winding And Twisting Department
Supervisor, Wire-Rope Fabrication
Supervisor, Wood Room
Supervisor, Wood-Crew
Supervisor, Wool-Shearing
Supervisor, Word Processing
Supervisor, Yard
Supervisor, Yarn Preparation
Supervisory Wastewater-Treatment-Plant Operator
Supplies Packer
Supply Clerk
Supply Controller
Suppository-Molding-Machine Operator
Surface Supervisor
Surface-Plate Finisher
Surfboard Maker
Surgical Technician
Surgical-Dressing Maker
Surgical-Elastic Knitter, Hand Frame
Surgical-Forceps Fabricator
Surveillance-System Monitor
Survey Worker
Surveyor Assistant, Instruments
Surveyor Helper
Surveyor, Geodetic
Surveyor, Geophysical Prospecting
Surveyor, Marine
Surveyor, Mine
Surveyor, Oil-Well Directional
Survival Specialist
Survival-Equipment Repairer
Suture Polisher
Suture Winder, Hand
Swage Tender
Swager Operator
Swaging-Machine Adjuster
Swaging-Machine Operator
Swatch Checker
Swatch Clerk
Sweatband Flanger
Sweatband Separator
Sweatband Shaper
Sweatband-Cutting-Machine Operator
Sweep-Press Operator
Sweeper-Brush Maker, Machine
Sweeper-Cleaner, Industrial
Sweeping-Compound Blender
Sweet-Goods-Machine Operator
Sweet-Potato Disintegrator
Swimming Pool Installer-And-Servicer
Swimming-Pool Servicer
Swing-Type-Lathe Operator
Switch Inspector
Switch Repairer
Switch Tender
Switchboard Operator
Switchboard Operator
Switchboard Operator Assistant
Switchboard Operator, Police District
Switchbox Assembler I
Symbol Stamper, Semiconductor Packages
Synthetic-Filament Extruder
Synthetic-Gem-Press Operator
Synthetic-Staple Extruder
Syrup Maker
Syrup Maker
Syrup Mixer
Syrup-Mixer Assistant
Systems Analyst
Systems Programmer