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Supervisor, Merchant-Mill Rolling And Finishing

DOT Code: 613.130-014

Industry: steel & rel.
Alternate Titles: roller, merchant mill

Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in operation of merchant mill to roll products, such as bars, flats, and skelp from billets and slabs: Reads rolling order to plan setup of roll stands. Directs workers in building and installing rolling stands and equipment on rolling line, and setting draft (space between rolls) for each roll stand. Observes operation of mill, inspects product during rolling operation, and orders adjustments in mill equipment and changes in conveyor speeds for drawing billets or slabs from furnace. Performs other duties as described under Supervisor (any industry) Master Title.

GOE: 06.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77