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Statistician, Mathematical

DOT Code: 020.067-022

Industry: profess. & kin.
Alternate Titles: statistician, theoretical

Conducts research into mathematical theories and proofs that form basis of science of statistics and develops statistical methodology: Examines theories, such as those of probability and inference, to discover mathematical bases for new or improved methods of obtaining and evaluating numerical data. Develops and tests experimental designs, sampling techniques, and analytical methods, and prepares recommendations concerning their utilization in statistical surveys, experiments, and tests. Investigates, evaluates, and prepares reports on applicability, efficiency, and accuracy of statistical methods used by physical and social scientists, including Statisticians, Applied (profess. & kin.), in obtaining and evaluating data.

GOE: 11.01.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R6 M6 L6 SVP: 8 DLU: 77