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Station Agent I

DOT Code: 910.137-038

Industry: r.r. trans.
Alternate Titles: agent-telegrapher; freight and passenger agent

Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in selling tickets and checking baggage at railroad station not served by Station Manager (r.r. trans.): Assigns shift schedules to workers to ensure adequate service to patrons. Keeps daily records of attendance. Sells tickets to patrons [Ticket Agent (any industry)]. Answers inquiries from patrons concerning schedules and departures and arrivals of trains. Requisitions supplies. Relays train orders and messages [Telegrapher (r.r. trans.)]. Inspects buildings to detect maintenance needs. Verifies records of daily ticket sales and cash receipts. May train new employees. May supervise and coordinate activities of workers engaged in maintaining buildings and grounds of railroad station. May perform duties of Express Clerk (motor trans.; r.r. trans.).

GOE: 07.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77