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Self-Sealing-Fuel-Tank Builder

DOT Code: 752.684-046

Industry: rubber goods
Alternate Titles: fuel-cell assembler

Builds up layers of synthetic and rubber sheeting on plaster form to make self-sealing fuel tanks for airplanes: Brushes solution on specified plaster form to provide smooth surface. Fits specified layers of synthetic and rubber sheeting on form and smooths out wrinkles with hands and hand roller. Brushes cement between layers of rubber to provide adhesive surface. Locates areas for fittings on fuel tank, using templates and ruler, and makes cutouts with knife. Cements fittings on fuel tank, rubber reinforcement strips over base of fittings, and reinforcement strips of gum rubber over seams of fuel tank.

GOE: 06.02.29 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77