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Sagger Maker

DOT Code: 774.684-030

Industry: pottery & porc.

Pounds clay over mold or frame to shape sagger sides and bottom, using maul: Lays pliable clay in circular or rectangular frame and pounds to shape to form of frame, using maul. Hammers slabs of clay over iron frame and cuts into strips to form sides, using knife. Folds strips around drum or wooden mold placed on prepared bottom to form sagger sides. Wets ends of strip and applies hand pressure to join. Plucks spare clay off bottom to fasten to sides, using wooden plucking tool. Smooths surface, using knife and wooden paddle and removes mold. Places sagger in drying room.

GOE: 06.04.30 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77