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DOT Code: 784.684-026

Industry: hat & cap
Alternate Titles: brim flanger; brim shaper; flanging operator; hat-brim curler

Presses hat brims to set shape and impart specified finish, using hand iron and heated sandbag: Inserts hat in specified size flange (metal or wood collar) with brim resting on flange. Spreads pressing cloth over hat brim and ties cloth to base of form, using cord. Dampens cloth with sponge and irons brim, using dry or steam iron. Lowers preheated sandbag, suspended by rope and pulley, onto brim to set and shape brim against flange. Raises sandbag after specified time and unties cord. Examines hat for flaws in shape and appearance. May be designated according to type of hat flanged as Felt-Hat-Flanging Operator (hat & cap); Panama-Hat Flanger (hat & cap); Wool-Hat Flanger (hat & cap).

GOE: 06.04.27 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 78