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Casting-Machine Operator

DOT Code: 654.382-010

Industry: machinery mfg.; print. & pub.
Alternate Titles: caster operator; monotype caster; type caster

Sets up and operates machine to cast and assemble type for printing: Places reel of controller paper on holder, threads free end around tension and feeding rolls, and attaches it to winding roll. Sets composing stick to length of line specified in casting instructions. Inserts and locks matrix case, designed for specified size of type, in case holder. Locks galley next to stick on bed of machine. Starts machine and admits compressed air to machine (machine automatically selects, casts, cools, and assembles type in stick, being controlled by perforations made in controller paper). Stops machine when galley is full or when strip is completed. Removes and stores controller reel and matrix case. Removes galley and forwards it for proofing.

GOE: 05.10.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77