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DOT Code: 575.684-026

Industry: glass mfg.
Alternate Titles: ball maker

Dips punty (metal rod used to gather molten glass) or blowpipe into tank furnace to gather gob (lump) of molten glass for further processing: Reads product specifications to determine size of gob of molten glass to be gathered. Immerses head of punty or blowpipe into molten glass in furnace and turns punty or blowpipe to gather gob of molten glass. Twirls punty or blowpipe and blows through blowpipe to maintain gob of molten glass in globular form. Hands punty to Presser (glass mfg.) 575.685-074 or blowpipe to Glass Blower (glass mfg.) 772.381-022 for further processing. May twirl gob of molten glass in container of alkali solution or in cavity of wet wooden block to form thin skin on gob of molten glass to prevent punctures in glassware during pressing or blowing. May hold punty in mold while Presser (glass mfg.) cuts off required amount of glass. May make head of punty from clay. May reheat gob to retain shape and temperature.

GOE: 06.04.30 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 79