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Classifier Operator

DOT Code: 511.562-010

Industry: smelt. & refin.
Alternate Titles: hydrate-thickener operator; tray thickener operator

Operates classifier units to separate coarse and fine precipitated alumina particles from liquor: Regulates valves on settling trays of hydroseparators to draw fine particles from top and coarse particles from bottom of trays. Adjusts valves to wash liquor from coarse particles in classifier unit. Pumps fine hydrate from underflow of tray thickeners to storage tank for use in precipitating more alumina, and pumps coarse particles to storage tanks to await further processing. Lubricates valves and adjusts packing glands to prevent leaks. May open and close valves and start and stop pumps to circulate cleaning solutions through process lines. May keep log of operations.

GOE: 06.04.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77