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Horticultural-Specialty Grower, Inside

DOT Code: 405.161-018

Industry: agriculture

Grows horticultural-specialty products and crops, such as flowers, ornamental plants, and vegetables, under environmentally controlled conditions, applying knowledge of plant culture, environmental-control systems and structures, and market conditions: Determines types and quantities of plantings to grow; allocates space in structure, such as greenhouse or shed; and schedules growing activities. Plants seeds and transplants seedlings in material, such as bark, gravel, heated water, sandy soil, and stable straw to propagate seeds and nursery stock. Removes substandard plants to maintain quality control, prunes plants to enhance development, and positions plants to artistically display products. Monitors timing and metering devices that control frequency, amount, and type of nutrient applications; regulate humidity, ventilation, and carbon dioxide conditions; and dispense herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides. Explains and demonstrates care-taking techniques to subordinates. May assign their duties. May hire workers. May maintain personnel and production records. May deal with vendors to purchase supplies and materials, and arrange with customers to sell products and crops. May be identified with crop as Bean-Sprout Grower (agriculture); Mushroom Grower (agriculture); Orchid Grower (agriculture); or technique as Hydroponics Grower (agriculture).

GOE: 03.01.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77