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Housing-Management Officer

DOT Code: 188.117-110

Industry: government ser.

Directs and coordinates activities concerned with providing advice and technical assistance to housing authorities and evaluating housing management programs: Develops policy and standards for guidance of local housing organizations in establishing and maintaining uniformity in operation of housing projects. Studies operation of housing projects, notes trends and needs, and evaluates efficiency of housing programs. Prepares regulations, procedures, and instructions for operation of housing projects based on analysis of operations. Approves or disapproves requests for waivers to policies, standards, and procedures. Consults with and advises housing personnel of public and private groups concerning needed improvements in housing operations. Advises and assists Managers, Housing Project (profess. & kin.) and staffs of local housing authorities concerning problems, such as eliminating excess costs, improving livability features and maintenance care of dwelling units, making more effective use of project facilities and community services, and promoting satisfactory relationships among tenants, housing project personnel, public officials, and private agencies. Leads public meetings and serves on committees to stimulate efforts of national, local, and private housing agencies and to emphasize housing needs of military personnel and low-income families.

GOE: 11.05.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77