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Chief, Fishery Division

DOT Code: 188.117-018

Industry: government ser.

Directs state fish conservation program for benefit of sport and commercial fishing interests, consistent with state policy and accepted principles of game management: Directs activities of personnel engaged in conducting fish count, managing hatcheries, stocking streams, destroying superfluous or undesirable fish, and enforcing restrictions governing sport and commercial fishing. Modifies regulations on size, species, length of fishing season, acceptable fishing practices, and other considerations according to fluctuations in fish population. Organizes programs to correct unfavorable conditions, such as water pollution, silting of streams, excessive mortality of given species of fish, and diversion of waterways. Delivers speeches, writes articles, and prepares other informational material to explain conservation principles and acquaint public with fishing regulations. Recommends changes in legislation and administrative procedures as necessary to maintain conservation activities consistent with current needs. Prepares or directs preparation of budget requests covering staff and equipment requirements.

GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77