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Director, Institution

DOT Code: 187.117-018

Industry: any industry
Alternate Titles: superintendent, institution

Directs administration of institution, such as prison or youth correctional facility: Coordinates educational, security, recreational, and rehabilitation programs. Directs operation and maintenance of facilities, such as laundry, cafeteria, buildings, and grounds. Recommends parole or discharge of persons under jurisdiction of institution. Directs recruitment and training of staff. Confers with staff to formulate and institute policies and regulations. Compiles and analyzes expenditures and projected costs, and prepares reports for officials. Prepares budget and monitors expenditures. May be designated according to type of institution, such as Director, School For Blind (education); Director, Youth Correctional Facility (government ser.). May work in federal or state prison and be designated Warden (government ser.).

GOE: 11.07.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 80