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Estate Planner

DOT Code: 186.167-010

Industry: insurance

Reviews assets and liabilities of estate to determine that insurance is adequate for financial protection of estate: Studies legal instruments, such as wills, trusts, business agreements, life insurance policies, and government benefits to estimate value and expenses of estate. Computes expenses, taxes, and debts to determine value of adjusted gross estate, using knowledge of accounting and tax laws. Prepares and discusses insurance program with client that will provide maximum financial security for family and protect investments. Suggests purchase of additional or new life insurance when analysis of estate indicates need for meeting cash demands at death. Discusses legal instruments with family attorney if study indicates need for change. May be required to hold state license.

GOE: 08.01.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77