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Letter-Of-Credit Document Examiner

DOT Code: 169.267-042

Industry: financial

Authorizes payment on letters of credit used in international banking: Examines documents, such as bills of lading, certificates of origin, and shipping manifests, for accuracy and completeness and to ensure that conditions of letters of credit are in accordance with establishment policy and international uniform custom and practice. Verifies document computations, using calculator. Talks with customers and recommends acceptable wording for letters of credit. Explains regulatory and legal implications of terms and conditions, including U.S. trade restrictions. Instructs workers in preparing amendments to letters of credit. Contacts foreign banks, suppliers, or other sources to obtain required documents. Authorizes method of payment against letter of credit in accordance with client instructions.

GOE: 11.06.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 89