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Manager, Employee Welfare

DOT Code: 166.117-014

Industry: profess. & kin.
Alternate Titles: employee-service officer; manager, welfare

Directs welfare activities for employees of stores, factories, and other industrial and commercial establishments: Arranges for physical examinations, first aid, and other medical attention. Arranges for installation and operation of libraries, lunchrooms, recreational facilities, and educational courses. Organizes dances, entertainment, and outings. Ensures that lighting is sufficient, sanitary facilities are adequate and in good order, and machinery safeguarded. May visit workers' homes to observe their housing and general living conditions and recommend improvements if necessary. May assist employees in the solution of personal problems, such as recommending day nurseries for their children and counseling them on personality frictions or emotional maladjustments.

GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77