Fournier to Appear at Bar Association Candidate Forum
Stephen Fournier, Green Party candidate for Attorney General, will appear at a candidate forum Thursday evening May 13 with fellow candidates Susan Bysiewicz, Martha Dean, George Jepsen, John Pavia, and Cameron Staples.
Organized by the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Section and the Consumer Law Section of the Connecticut Bar Association, the forum will focus on policy and enforcement in antitrust, consumer protection, financial institutions and health.
Fournier, who closed his sole practice last year, has been a harsh critic of current business practices. Fournier has expressed approval for the performance of Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who is vacating the office to run for U.S. Senate.
"Richard Blumenthal's anti-corruption lawyers are the best in the country," said Fournier. "I would pick up wherever he leaves off in that area and challenge the office to go after some higher hanging fruit."